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3rd Phase Project

Program Title Scope of the Program Program Outcomes Participating Countries
Compost: Research on the improvement of soil fertility and productivity of main crops through manure composting 1. Analysis of the livestock composting and basic education

2. Advanced application and education of composting technology

3. Basic and advanced education on soil fertility and crop productivity

4. Establishment of production system and development in the soil fertility through the manure composting
1.Development and application of optimal manure composting technology

2.Demonstration of the improvement of soil fertility, increase in yield of main crops, and, reduction of production cost

3.Preparation of a manual and dissemination of technologies

4. Conduct of capacity building for the PI for their continous execution of the project
Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Praguay, Perú
Frijol: Research on drought tolerance in frijol under climate change 1. Distribution of advanced lines with the greatest tolerance to drought

2. Sowing of selected lines

3. Regional trial of local adaptation of selected lines
1.Selection of drought-tolerant variety and dissemination of elite variety to farmers

2.Preparation of a manual on bean cultivation and dissemination of technologies through extension activities

3.Conduct of capacity building for the PI for their continous execution of the project

4.Presentation of thesis on the results of project and policy proposal
Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatamala, Honduras, Nicaragua, República Dominicana, Perú
Coffee: Research on the varieties and types of pruning and fertilization projects to increase sustainable coffee production by smallholder farmers 1. Training farmers about pruning and fertilization systems

2. Training farmers on application of technologies and practices

3. Training farmers on crop observation and management techniques to maintain technology
1.Demonstration of increased yield and nutritional balance through the technologies that combine variety, pruning and fertilization

2. Technology transfer to investigators, technicians and farmers through the establishment of network of experimental plots and preparation of manual

3.Conduct of capacity building for the PI for their continous execution of the project

4. Presentation of thesis on the project results and policy proposal
Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú

2nd Phase Project

Program Title Scope of the Program Program Outcomes Participating Countries
Establishment of advanced postharvest quality management model for horticultural crop in Latin America 1. Survey of factors affecting postharvest loss in the supply chain or various postharvest steps

2. Development and dissemination of postharvest standard manual for major agricultural crop

3. Implementation of postharvest training program
1. Reduction of postharvest loss for major agricultural crops

2. Performance of technology dissemination and training program about postharvest management

3. Publication of postharvest standard manual for major agricultural crop
Costa Rica,
El Salvador,
Establishment of the Latin American soil information system 1. Implementation of expert training program on soil survey

2. Establishment of soil information database

3. Survey of the soil limiting factors on crop growth
1. Publication of soil survey standard manual

2. Performance enhancement of database on soil chemical properties
Costa Rica,
El Salvador,
Demonstration on the improvement of rice productivity through an optimum water management in irrigated rice 1. Field evaluation on performance of Korean indica x japonica rice and KoLFACI elite cultivars for irrigated rice in Caribbean-Latin America agronomic environments

2. Evaluation of the rice productivity and stability improvement using the best water management treatment or equipment developed in the 1st phase water management project trial

3. Extension and training on the 1st phase water management technology in irrigated rice to farmers and extension workers
1. Selection of 1 or 2 promising rice cultivars based on yield stability from field tests in each member country

2. Installation of the optimum water management in demonstration plots at farmers’ fields based on the 1st phase water management project trial

3. Publication of water management technology manual on rice productivity improvement; the manual produced by each member country after the 2nd phase project trial
Costa Rica,
Dominican Rep.,
El Salvador,
Improvement of soil cultivation environment through efficient utilization of organic and biological fertilizers 1. The survey of the status of agriculture and soil fertility in the member countries

2. Information on organic nutrient sources using agricultural and livestock by-products

3. Improvement of soil fertility and crop productivity with the use of organic and biological fertilizers 4. Capacity building of farmers and experts in technology dissemination
1. Organic and biological fertilizers production manual (brochure)

2. Achievements on demonstration field inputs through application of organic and bio-fertilizer

3. Soil management farming textbooks on crop cultivation methods and fertilization prescription
Costa Rica,
El Salvador,

1st Phase Project

Program Title Scope of the Program Program Outcomes Participating Countries
Productivity enhancement of rice by improving water management 1. Analyzing current status on water supply, related facilities, irrigation system and management technologies in each member country

2. Demonstration of appropriate irrigation system for rice cultivation

3. Synthesizing technologies for stable production of rice, storage, distribution, sales and post-harvest management
Capacity building for producers and technicians related to rice breeding and cultivation
1. Doubling of rice yield

2. Optimized water management for different regions

3. Mechanized production system for small scale farms
All of KoLFACI member countries
Development of an exemplary management model for small scale cacao farms in Central America 1. Inspecting cacao production in each member country to analyze current status and collect high yield and quality cacao variety

2. Developing optimized cultivation technique and quality improvement technique, and enhancing eco-friendliness to disseminate success cases of high yield and quality production

3. Capacity building for producers and technicians
1. Publication of standardized cacao crop calendar

2. Publication of standardized cacao farming practice handbook
Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras and Peru
Securing organic materials and developing nutrient management system for stable production of food crops 1. Analysis on the potential fertilizer resources of the member countries, review of the feasibility of producing organic fertilizer, and development of optimized model for small holder farmers’ fertilizer management

2. Selecting a representative farming household to apply the fertilizer management model and demonstration on farms to analyze the yield improvement

3. Capacity building including workshop, training, and information sharing
1. Food crop fertilization manual for small holder farmers

2. Establishment of organic fertilizer supply system for each member country
El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama and Paraguay